Sailing Boréal 44 „MANAVA 2“

Sailing Boréal 44 „MANAVA 2“ 1024 640 Vast Floating

Second visit of shipyard Boréal in Tréguier, France. This time sailing „Manava 2“, a very nice Boréal 44. Great sailing conditions and a dolphin… more…


Looking for a vehicle

Looking for a vehicle 1024 765 Vast Floating

The first idea was to build a boat close to our home base in Hamburg – but yards and builders in Germany and Holland turned out to…


Action points

Action points 1000 1000 Vast Floating

Well, there is a lot to do: The crew must be trained navigationally, medically and technically. Some training runs directly on the baltic sea: sailing…


Getting startet

Getting startet 1000 522 Vast Floating

Vast Forward’s  Projekt Vast Floating, what’s that?   Vast Floating is a sailing project of Vast Forward, connecting Vast Forward to the world – by boat.…


Sailing, Baltics 2012

Sailing, Baltics 2012 800 534 Vast Floating

Ein langer Törn, unsere erste Nachtfahrt mit der Black Molly, als es non stop nach Bornholm ging. Stationen: Heiligenhafen (D), Bornholm Rønne (DK), Bornholm Allinge…


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